
Social skills that each child must have

Developing social skills in children prepares them for a lifetime of healthier interactions in all aspects of life. Social skills are critical elements to helping kids succeed socially, emotionally, personally, and even academically. These skills are the behaviours that help kids join in conversations, collaborate with peers, develop lasting friendships, self-advocate when they need help and so much more.

I am sure people wonder “Why is it important for kids to learn about social skills? Doesn’t everyone need social skills?” Yes, everyone needs social skills but if we teach kids social skills from an early age, they will have the foundation they need as adults.

Here are the basic social skills children must have:

  • Following directions:

This is having the ability to listen, understand expectations, and follow through sensibly. Children must learn to follow directions to complete a task, whether it is an assignment in the classroom or an instruction from a future boss.

Tips to help kids follow directions:

1.     Reduce distractions in the background like TV sound

2.     Have healthy conversations with your child

3.     Ask your child to put down the game or book during a conversation

4.     When your child talks give your complete attention to them thus you can model such behavior in them as well.

  • Using manners:

Our manners are well-mannered behaviours to show that we are kind and respectful. All kids need to understand manners so they can be socially appropriate in a variety of settings, such as a restaurant, at the library, or even answering the phone.

Tips to help kids develop manners:

1.     Learning manners starts from home, be a model for the child to follow

2.     Use words like ‘thank you ‘please’ ‘you’re welcome’ ‘excuse me’ at home. It will become a habit eventually.

3.     Teach them to acknowledge a person while starting a conversation for Eg; “Mom, may I ….”

4.     Acknowledge the child. He/she needs to be seen or heard.

5.     Respect their choices and correct them politely

  • Having a positive attitude:

A positive attitude is the first step to having a growth mindset. By having a positive attitude, kids can learn to be more optimistic and see the bright side of things.

Tips to help kids develop a positive attitude

1.     Identify their insecurities and help them speak about it.

2.     Provide undivided attention to your child

3.     Play with them

4.     Keep a record of their awe moments.

  • Good Hygiene:

Proper self-care means keeping yourself well-groomed and neat. This is an important skill because not only is it about being clean but it helps everyone make a positive first impression.

  • Using Polite words:

Using kind and polite words is just another way to spread kindness to others. This will also make them realize how our words impact others.

  • Waiting and having patience:

Developing patience is a critical skill during times when we have to wait. Kids might have to wait in line at the canteen or wait for their turn to speak in a group. By having patience, they show that they are polite and respectful to all.

  • Listening to others:

Listening skills are important to building positive relationships with others. Kids should learn how to focus their attention on others, put away distractions and think about what someone else is saying. Listening is important not for the reply but for understanding someone else’s point of view, argument, or discussion. Understanding does not equate to being convinced or influenced in any way.

These traits are universally accepted or rejected in any social structure or culture. This defines our confidence and self-esteem and how we view ourselves. Therefore, be it at home or your workplace, addressing your dear ones or inspiring the young with these skills may just save the human in us all.

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