purchase guide

Leadership Team


    The legacy of Manchester is long and enduring. For almost a decade we have made education our responsibility and placed quality and commitment as its fulcrum. Today, Manchester International School is adjudged the No.1 School in Coimbatore and No. 2 in Tamil Nadu by Education World and other Internationally acclaimed Awarding agencies, across the country and overseas. This recognition has not come to us overnight. From every single brick to every single block, we have ensured a personal touch as we are fully aware of the fact that parents have not entrusted just their children, but the future of the country with us.

    We are not here to create academic scholars. We firmly believe everyone on this planet has a purpose to meet a dream to realise; our job is just to provide the right stage, the right script, and the right direction. Every new entrant to our school comes with a variety of experiences and we value them for their uniqueness. They urge us to keep our expectations high as they keep their hopes on us without any apprehensions.


    "It is with the utmost delight that I invite you to Manchester International School, Coimbatore. I deeply appreciate you for making Manchester as your child’s first step to an exciting and invigorating learning adventure with us.

    Manchester parents are associates in their child’s education and we want to ensure that this coming year will be better than the previous year.

    Manchester is indeed a student-centered international school with a clear objective to encourage pupils to grow into becoming enduring learners who are self-confident and dignified to be recruited to universities and institutions across the globe. Manchester offers to its student community a whole host of learning opportunities both in scholastic and non-scholastic areas. Our state-of-the-art cultural block and wide-ranging sporting amenities inspire aspiring artist and cultivate teamwork.

    We are quite fanatical in inspiring our students to be risk-takers, open-minded, and persistent. We are definitely proud of our student community that are proactive, and at the same time resolute in facing challenges, who we are sure will an ineligible print, leaving a legacy at school and outside. No child is deprived of an admission on the grounds of his or her academic potential. We are an all-inclusive school centering our evaluations about your child on his or her individual needs. Becoming a member of our school indicates you are part of a varied and vivacious community that is like a family. We then become inseparables.

    Welcome to a new episode in your quest for learning.


    "Manchester International School is no ordinary School- It is a school that sees the future today and make students and all stakeholders ready for the uncertain and volatile future.

    There are schools - Ordinary & extraordinary; Unique and Special. And then there is Manchester International School, standing tall blending modernity and tradition in an inimitable style.

    We are aware that liveliness in teaching and learning derives effortlessly when students, teachers, and parents share a thoughtful belief in the importance of our time together. A shared sense of purpose is crucial in any splendid endeavor. Each and every day matters; every collaboration is an occasion to educate and gain knowledge from one another.

    We value the learning involvement in a different way than many established backdrops. We accept as true in the simple truth that schooling can be at the same time enjoyable, thought-provoking, subjective, and collective. We incorporate the in our culture that hard-work and laughter are allies in the pursuit to knowledge accompanied with autonomy. We foster mindfulness - a drive and self-actualization through preparing for life, and only by coming into contact with such individual accomplishments will our students bring about a tradition of enduring learning.

    As the Head of School, my sole accountability is to ensure we each experience agency in the process of teaching, learning, unlearning and relearning. Faculty and Students will always be dared to deal with teaching and learning with passion. Teachers are required to revolutionize, conceive, and deliver meaningful experiences that unlock students’ potential after unlocking their potential.

    Students are trained to question, sustain, endure, and take pleasure in their work. They are appealed to vote their thoughts, collaborate with their peers, and aid the learning of others.

    Manchester International School is a school that is appealing, exciting, and genuine.

    We are privileged to share this voyage together."