
PYP Sixth Sense Event 2024

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Manchester International School successfully hosted the PYP Sixth Sense event, an engaging platform for students from grades 1 to 5 to showcase their end-of-unit reflections on the theme "Who We Are." Each grade presented their learnings through diverse activities, which highlighted their understanding of the central idea in a transdisciplinary way. The event commenced at 8:45 AM, beginning with vibrant displays of talent and knowledge from all grades. Students inquired into various aspects such as self-awareness, beliefs, values & role models, global citizenship, health & fitness and what it means to be human. 

Using the GRASPS model, students developed performance tasks that included goals, roles, audience, situation, product performance purpose, and standards for success. Performances included fashion walks, songs, skit, dances, role play and games emphasizing their connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Parents were invited to attend the performances during designated time slots and participated in a gallery walk showcasing the student's work. The event beautifully illustrated the collaborative efforts of the learning community and the meaningful connections made through the student's work. Positive feedback from parents highlighted the student's creativity and the school's commitment to holistic education, reflecting the success of the PYP 6th Sense event in fostering a deep and comprehensive understanding of the theme "Who We Are."